Day 8

We didn't have regular classes today because we were going to Oxford!
We started early in the morning because it is a 3-hour coach ride from where here.
Our guide Johnathan explaining all the history and fun facts behind various places in Oxford University

Do you recognize this lamp post? It is featured Narnia!

Visiting the Pitt Rivers Museum, where history of different cultures are kept

After our tour in Oxford, we headed to where we anticipated the most...


The setting and costumes used in the actual filming of Harry Potter series are shown

Hogwarts here we go!!

Would you like a beer? 
It's butter beer~Sweet and creamy and bubbly! YUM!

This marks the end of the Studio Tour

The Warner Brother Harry Potter Studio Tour was incredible! We were like inside the movies! It's too bad we couldn't stay for longer. However, we all enjoyed the tour and we all spent a fortune buying gifts and souvenirs, haha!

After the Harry Potter experience, it's another 3-hour ride on the coach...


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